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This section provides information on how to configure AutoMod to suit your server's needs.

Configuration File

AutoMod uses a config.yml file to store its settings. You can find this file in the plugins/AutoMod folder after installing the plugin. The configuration file contains various options that allow you to customize the behavior of AutoMod.

Message File

AutoMod also uses a messages.yml file to store custom messages that are displayed to players when certain actions are taken by the plugin. You can find this file in the plugins/AutoMod folder as well. You can edit the messages in this file to match your server's style and language.

Multi-Instance Support

AutoMod supports running multiple instances of the plugin on different servers using Redis. This allows you to moderate chat across multiple servers with a centralized moderation system. To set up multi-instance support, you need to configure the Redis connection settings in the config.yml file.

Here's a brief description for the multi-instance properties in the config.yml file:

redisUri: The URI of the Redis server to connect to. This should be in the format redis://host:port.

requiresMultiInstance: Whether the plugin requires multi-instance support. Set this to true if you want to use multi-instance mode.

Perspective API Integration

AutoMod integrates with the Perspective API to analyze chat messages for toxicity, spam, and other inappropriate content. To use the Perspective API, you need to obtain an API key from the Perspective API website and configure it in the config.yml file.

Here's a brief description for the Perspective API properties in the config.yml file:

perspectiveApiKey: The API key for the Perspective API. You can obtain this key from the Perspective API website.

threshold: The toxicity threshold for chat messages. Messages with a toxicity score above this threshold will be flagged by AutoMod.

To get your API key, refer to the How to obtain the API key section.

Cache Configuration

AutoMod uses caching to store data temporarily and improve performance. You can configure the caching settings in the config.yml file to adjust the cache size and expiration time.

Here's a brief description for the cache properties in the config.yml file:

cacheExpireDays: The number of days after which cached data expires.

Moderation Configuration

AutoMod includes various moderation features that allow you to customize the chat moderation settings. You can configure the moderation settings in the config.yml file to adjust the profanity filter, link detection, and other moderation options.

Here's a brief description for the moderation properties in the config.yml file:

muteTime: The duration in millis for which players are muted when they violate chat rules.

warnExpireTime: The duration in millis for which warnings are active. After this time, warnings expire.

moderationType: AutoMod has 3 types of moderation: TRIWM, CENSOR and CANCEL (default is TRIWM).


TRIWM - Gives a warning then censor the message, at the second violation the message is cancelled and the player is warned. At the third violation the player is muted.

CENSOR - Censors the message and nothing else.

CANCEL - Cancels the message and nothing else.

blockedWords: A list of blocked words that trigger the profanity filter. Messages containing these words will be flagged by AutoMod.

blacklistedCommands: A list of blacklisted commands that are blocked by AutoMod. Players cannot use these commands in chat.

censorCharacters: The character used to censor blocked words in chat messages. You can customize this character to match your server's style.

Anti-Spam Configuration

AutoMod includes an anti-spam feature that detects and prevents spam messages in chat. You can configure the anti-spam settings in the config.yml file to adjust the spam detection threshold and action taken against spammers.

Here's a brief description for the anti-spam properties in the config.yml file:

antiSpam: Whether to enable the anti-spam feature. Set this to true to use the anti-spam functionality.

messageInterval: The time interval in millis between messages that triggers the anti-spam feature.

maxWords: Max words equal to the last message. Greater or equal to this value will be considered spam.

commandInterval: The time interval in millis between commands that triggers the anti-spam feature.

Lite Bans Plugin Integration

AutoMod integrates with the Lite Bans plugin to automatically mute players who violate chat rules. You can configure the Lite Bans settings in the config.yml file to adjust the mute duration and message displayed to muted players.

Here's a brief description for the Lite Bans properties in the config.yml file:

liteBanSupport: Whether to enable Lite Bans integration. Set this to true to use Lite Bans with AutoMod.

muteCommand: The command used to mute players with Lite Bans. You can customize this command to match your server's setup.

unmuteCommand: The command used to unmute players with Lite Bans. You can customize this command to match your server's setup.

warnCommand: The command used to warn players with Lite Bans. You can customize this command to match your server's setup.

unwarnCommand: The command used to unwarn players with Lite Bans. You can customize this command to match your server's setup.

Developer Mode

AutoMod has a developer mode that enables additional logging and debugging features. You can enable developer mode in the config.yml file to troubleshoot issues and monitor the plugin's behavior.

Here's a brief description for the developer mode property in the config.yml file:

debug: Whether to enable developer mode. Set this to true to enable additional logging and debugging features. verbose: Whether to enable verbose logging. Set this to true to log detailed information about the plugin's behavior.

Last modified: 03 July 2024